Julie in Japan

I find myself on the Pacific rim of fire!

Thursday, 25 October 2007


I met this family along the way and had a chat; Japanese people are the most pleasant people.
Oze is Japans`s largest marsh, formed when larva from a volcano created this natural dam. It is wonderful for plants.

To make coversation about an iris - one pleasure of the hike. Basho
I caught the overnight bus here from Shinjuku. Shinjuku is one of the worlds busiest train stations so I arrived five hours too early in case I couldn`t find the bus station however found it within the first half hour. Lucky my fav Thai restaurant is there and the pink light area, kept me well entertained.

The bus was none too comfy. I arrived at 5am and hiked from the carpark (1591m) to Shibutsu-san (2228m). Back to the marsh and a night at beautiful Jujiro, with a wander out the next day.

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