Julie in Japan

I find myself on the Pacific rim of fire!

Tuesday, 25 September 2007

Daisetsuzan in Hokkaido

A duet of twinkling bells
hikers passing by
on the roof of Hokkaido

Hiking in the wind and rain
through brush and bamboo

nothing to see but mist Julie

filtering water .... 10 to 20% of foxes in Hokkaido carry tapeworms, the eggs can be released into the food chain via their faeces. Hokkaido mice then eat the faceces and the eggs hatch into tapeworms. These mice are food for foxes so the tapeworm cycle goes on.
Heres the bad bit for us; the faeces can get into the water and get drunk by us. It can take years for the symptoms to show, by then its all over; as the larvae have destryed the liver, lungs and brain of the host. A cure has not been found.

So if a few years the signs begin to show, you know what to do...

1 comment:

Daisetsuzan said...

The Daisetsuzan mountains are a must watch when visiting Daisetsuzan National Park. Ishikari Tokachi mountains are the most beautiful. There are number of animals found here like Hokkaido deer, Hokkaido fox, Ezo sable etc.